Standardization - OGF

The Open Grid Forum is a community of users, developers, and vendors leading the global standardization effort for grid computing. The OGF community consists of thousands of individuals in industry and research, representing over 400 organizations in more than 50 countries. OGF participants work to accelerate adoption of grid computing worldwide because they believe that grids will lead to new discoveries, new opportunities, and better business practices.

The work of OGF is carried out through community-initiated working groups, which develop standards and specifications in cooperation with other leading standards organizations, software vendors, and users. OGF is funded through its Organizational Members, including technology companies and academic and government research institutions. OGF hosts several events each year to further develop grid-related specifications and use cases and to share best practices.

The standardisation activities of PHOSPHORUS are focusing on participation in different research groups and working groups of the Open Grid Forum (OGF). PHOSPHORUS partners are active in the following groups:

FI-RGFirewall Issues Research Group
FVGA-WGFirewall Virtualization for Grid Applications Working Group
GHPN-RGGrid High Performance Networking Research Group
GRAAP-WGGrid Resource Allocation Agreement Protocol Working Group
GSA-RGGrid Scheduling Architecture Research Group
JSDL-WGJob Submission Description Language Working Group
NML-WGNetwork Markup Language Working Group
NM-WGNetwork Measurements Working Group
NSI-WGNetwork Service Interface Working Group
OGSA-AUTHZ-WGOGSA Authorisation Working Group
OGSA-RSS-WGOpen Grid Service Architecture Resource Selection Working Group
WFM-RGWorkflow Management Research Group

The development of standards is restricted to the working groups while research groups are dedicated towards presentation and discussion of ongoing or planned work in the respective area and to join forces. The state of technology in these areas or the direction the development of these technologies will take usually are not mature enough to start creating a standard immediately. However, these groups will spin-off working groups targeting on standards once the need for the development of a standard is recognised.

Phosphorus standard activities in OGF:

OGF WG/RGContributionGDFGF
WG/RG contrib.Chair
(Firewall Issues)
problem statement + requirements 1 2 UVA FZJ
(Firewall Virtualization for Grid Applications)
(Grid High Performance Networking)
G.OUNI spec + G.OBS arch 2 UESSEX
(Network Markup Language)
network ontology and schema 1 UVA
(Network Measurements)
(Network Service Interface)
(Grid Resource Allocation Agreement Protocol)
consolidation of WS-Agr. spec 1 FHG
(Grid Scheduling Architecture)
problem statement + requirements 1 end 2007 1 FZJ PSNC
(Job Submission Description Language)
non- computation. resource extensions 1
(OGSA Authorisation)
use-cases, requirements, functionalities 1
(Open Grid Service Architecture Resource Selection)
requirements and use-cases 1
(Workflow Management)
problem statement + requirements 1